launch sponsors 2015

The spirit of our “contract” with the brands, companies, individuals and organizations who sponsor our work is one that honors the importance of independent journalism and expression in our community, nation and world. We are very grateful to our launch sponsors for aligning their public values with our journalism.

Currently as we launch, our sponsors range from Oklahoma City’s most historic public hospital and midtown anchor, to the community group tasked with promoting the arts and culture of Downtown OKC.

We have the association representing Oklahoma’s independent beer distributors and a longtime, well-respected, OKC-based law firm.

The Pivot Project is comprised of OKC’s newest and daring trio of developers, David Wanzer, Jonathan Dodson, and Ben SellersElemental Coffee is one of the most popular coffee shops and unofficial co-working sites in OKC, while Black Mesa Brewing is emerging with a lot of buzz in the national craft beer scene.

Lastly, there is special appreciation for Nathaniel and Amanda Harding for being our very first sponsors to commit to NonDoc on the ground floor.

If you are interested in sponsoring our work, please contact us at