And the hits keep on coming. SNL continues its campaign against POTUS-elect Donald Trump via Alec Baldwin’s increasingly grotesque caricatures.
A silver-haired John Goodman adds to the star power as Rex Tillerson in Saturday’s cold opening, playing Trump’s pick for secretary of state.
But it’s actually relative newcomer Beck Bennett as a shirtless Vladimir Putin who steals the sketch.
“We think you are the best candidate,” Bennett as Putin says to Baldwin as Trump. “The smartest candidate. The Manchurian candidate.”
BONUS: For those of you who like to plan ahead for your holiday activities, consider your New Year’s Eve plans sealed. Below is an hour-long video of Nick Offerman enjoying an adult beverage for well over an hour as the perfect backdrop for saying farewell to this foul Year of our Lord, 2016.
Things we saw (and heard)
Smoke alarms now required in all Oklahoma City residences — City of OKC
Video games about self-care are exactly what we need right now —
Grin and abhor it: The truth behind ‘service with a smile’ — In These Times
18 best plants for cleaning the air in your house according to NASA — Fatherly
The perfect weapon: How Russian cyberpower invaded the U.S. — The New York Times
A year in the life of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin — MSNBC
Venezuela seizes Christmas toys to distribute to poor — BBC
Privacy in the Cloud is on the edge —
Quotes to note
“People of Mosul have only two options. Either stay inside and die because of the bombing or hunger,or go to the camps – to the prison. Either way it’s a slow death.”
— Younes Sabri, 30, a victim of war in Aleppo, Syria, 11/16/16
“Coach Gundy rockin’ the mullet? Yeah, shows class — and brass!”
— country/Western singer Billy Ray Cyrus, on OSU football coach Mike Gundy’s mullet, in a best-of article, 12/16/16
“My Seahawks teammates and I are playing in the last Thursday night game of the season this week, so we’re one of the last teams to be exploited in 2016 — one of the last to be taken advantage of. We’re the last to get the middle finger from the NFL.”
— Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman, in a commentary he wrote last week titled, “Why I hate Thursday Night Football,” 12/14/16
Video of the Week
GOP’s Calvey, Smalley tiff about Hofmeister future
by Josh McBee
That time we were a ‘porno’ site
by William W. Savage III
Pastor: ‘Break out the Bat-Signal for Christians’
by Lori Walke