Honored in uniform, veterans neglected by VA, others
As a Vietnam veteran, my dad is a lot of things, but he is most definitely not a quitter. When he wants something accomplished,...
Hupfeld Academy meets ‘original vision’ of charter schools
Congratulations to Stanley Hupfeld Academy at Western Village for being named an exemplar school by The Partnership for 21st-Century Learning (P21), an organization dedicated to...
Q&A: Workers’ compensation leader calls Oklahoma laws ‘an outrage’
Formed in 2015, the Oklahoma Coalition for Workers Rights (OCWR) seeks to bring greater awareness to recent changes in two key areas of Oklahoma's employment laws:...
There’s no such thing as a ‘wasted vote’
The presidential election is 35 days away from this writing, and candidates are doing everything in their power to convince voters to vote for...
Letter: Calling Clinton ‘devil we know’ reveals sexism
To the editors:
I take no issue with the details of Matt Tullius' piece (In this presidential election, better the devil you know …, 9/29/16),...
Today I voted in the 2016 presidential election
LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Today I voted in the 2016 presidential election. Yes, you read that right. I'm an overseas absentee voter, and I emailed my vote...
SQ 777 Rotary debate: ‘Our beloved sport of cockfighting’
As Rep. Scott Biggs (R-Chickasha) and former Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson debated State Question 777 Tuesday in front of the world's largest Rotary...
Policy wonk Tamara Draut: ‘Lift up the dignity of work’
Tamara Draut is vice president of policy and research for Demos, a policy organization focused largely around issues of equality and the economy. The...
Letter: REAL ID does share databases of driver info
To the editors:
William Savage writes in his article on REAL ID (With REAL ID still unreal in Oklahoma, deadlines loom) that opposition to compliance with...
UPDATE: Amid ‘confusion’ on REAL ID, extension denied
(Update: On Oct. 11, the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety released the following statement, photographed below, noting that the state had been denied its...