Filter: Colbert crucifies Gary Johnson


Sympathy for Gary Johnson would be easier to come by if the guy didn’t seem like he was intentionally setting himself up for failure.

In a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (video above), the snarkiest host in late-night TV takes the Libertarian candidate to task for a string of recent gaffes and oddball moments in the former New Mexico governor’s ongoing presidential campaign.

Things we saw (and heard)

Ohio State game drives spike in cost of Norman-area Airbnb rentals — OU Daily

AP: Across US, police officers abuse confidential databases — The Associated Press

How media coverage alters your perceptions of presidential debates — Lifehacker

Employment picture darkens for journalists at digital outlets — Columbia Journalism Review

10 facts about the changing digital news
landscape — Pew Research

What’s up with women being expected to smile all the time? — HowStuffWorks

Small talk should be banned – here’s why — Wired

Teacher beats up student who owed him money for weed — New York Post

Quotes to note

“People who speak from ignorance often get things wrong. And Mr. Trump did that in this instance.”

— New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, on Donald Trump’s bemoaning of crime in urban centers, 9/30/16

“It’s not only nature that has seeds that grow into mighty oak trees. It’s you, and you, and YOU.”

— former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader, speaking at the Breaking Through Power conference in Washington, D.C., 9/26/16

“Don’t tell me ‘gender isn’t a factor’ when Hillary Clinton is more despised for being cheated on than Trump is despised for cheating.”

— author Rachel Held Evans,  in a tweet, 9/24/16

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