Saturday, June 15, 2024


NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, "Civics" encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.


NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, "Civics" encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.
big tent

Build a big tent for our politics, faiths and philosophies

There's no better way to build and strengthen relationships than by participating in events that seek to build a sense of community. During the...
Tulsa Frontier

$5 a peep: The Tulsa Frontier’s luxurious leer

The Tulsa Frontier published a story Sunday titled: Doerflinger member of secret, 'luxury' social club since 2010. I found the headline ironic because I casually refer...

Elections: Tulsa passes initiatives, small school district passes bond with less than 10 percent of vote

Oklahoma election results highlighted several political realities Tuesday night: 1) It can take a while to get things done; 2) Voter turnout is routinely low;...
Death penalty

Conservative support of alternatives underscores death penalty’s failures

Support for the death penalty in America’s most conservative corners has been crumbling as of late. The Nebraska Legislature voted overwhelmingly to repeal capital...
Brian Bingman

Filter: Brian Bingman’s finger pointing smacks of irony

You've seen the headlines and social media reactions swirling the Internet. The Oklahoma Legislature is a "train wreck." It's time to "panic." Legislative leaders have...
ballot box

Letter: ‘Demand justice at the ballot box in November’

(Editor’s Note: NonDoc believes in creating a responsible forum for the rational and respectful discussion of topics and ideas. As such, we run Letters...

Wichita Historical Center progresses despite land battle

(Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of stories about an ongoing land dispute between the Wichita, Caddo and Delaware nations in...
Broke Oklahoma

‘We should be fixin’ to fix a broke Oklahoma’

Imagine if we Oklahomans were as good at fixing a broke government as we are at fixing everything else. What would that look like? Okies...
Black Lives Matter rally

86-year-old at Black Lives Matter OKC: ‘We need diversity’

Sunday's Black Lives Matter OKC rally in Oklahoma City proved to be a banner day for free speech and assembly. About 5:15 p.m., hundreds of people...

Filter: Gov. Fallin and the $140 million question

Fresh off her speech at the Republican National Convention, Oklahoma's Gov. Mary Fallin returned home last week to offer her suggestions on the state's...

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