Tuesday, July 16, 2024


NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, "Civics" encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.


NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, "Civics" encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.

‘Outdated structure’ makes schools suffer

Schools have always been a flashpoint for society’s cultural disagreements, but rhetoric in Oklahoma has recently grown heated. The combination of a financial crisis,...

You don’t have to fear my Muslim friends

Thursday afternoon, I finished up a consultant work trip to our nation's capital and teed up Uber for my long trip to Dulles airport in...

Journalists bite on press release and political theater

Sometimes, I read the news and forget what month and/or year it is. That happened this week when I clicked Oklahoma Watch's story, "Bill Increasing Pay...
funding shortfalls in education

OPSRC: Funding shortfalls in education demand innovation

During the 2015 legislative session, state leaders were forced to make difficult funding decisions owing to a $611 million shortfall from the previous year. Many...
appointed posts

Statewide offices could be converted to appointed posts

In a February 2013 press release from the Oklahoma Department of Labor, Mark Costello supported a proposed bill that could have converted the statewide elected office...
widow's mandatevideo

Professor: Widow’s mandate ‘meaningless’ for Commissioner appointment

The posturing for gubernatorial appointment to the vacant Oklahoma Labor Commissioner post has become a de facto political campaign in the eyes of a local...

Our 9/11s, the personal and detached

The murder of TV journalists on a live broadcast. A white supremacist gunning down African American church-goers in South Carolina. The heartbreaking image of...
minimum wage

Minimum wage: ‘If I could pay you any less, I would’

(Editor's Note: This is part three of NonDoc's series on labor issues this week. Part one looked at labor union membership, part two recalled...
district 85

Democrat Munson wins District 85 special election

In the movie Kingpin, Woody Harrelson plays con man and hard-luck bowler Roy Munson. During a flashback to his promising childhood, his father, Calvert,...
Right To Work

Right To Work 14 years later: ‘It was an incredible campaign’

Across the nation, state legislatures and electorates are still debating one of the biggest issues in organized labor: Should private-sector unions be allowed to...

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