Former OU Vice President Tripp Hall is being investigated for an allegation of rape, according to an affidavit filed in Oklahoma County District Court on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019. (NonDoc)

Former University of Oklahoma Vice President Tripp Hall is being investigated for rape, according to an affidavit for a search warrant served on a Google email account in September. According to the documents (embedded below), an OU student told the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation that Hall performed oral sex on him and that the student “felt like he was on some sort of substance.”

“He could process everything that was going on around him, but did not feel like he could respond at all, like an out of body experience,” OSBI Lt. Elizabeth Green wrote in the search warrant affidavit, which was filed today in Oklahoma County District Court.

Hall and former OU President David Boren have been under criminal investigation for alleged sexual misconduct since March, and both deny wrongdoing. The warrant sought data from Hall’s personal Google e-mail account, and the warrant return notes that 518.86 megabytes of material was received Monday by the OSBI from Google.

“Hall performed oral sex on [the student],” Green wrote in her application for the search warrant Sept. 12. “Afterwards, [the student] sent three text messages stating their friendship was over, and [the student] did not want anything to do with Hall again. [The student] blocked all electronic communication with Hall.”

In the affidavit, Green wrote that the OU student was interviewed by OSBI Special Agent Meghan Bowman, the lead investigator into allegations against Boren and Hall. The student — referred to by an alpha-numerical indicator — told Bowman he met Hall in 2018 and visited Hall’s house in January 2019.

“[The student] tried to tell Hall about a medical incident he incurred over winter break, and Hall offered [the student] a massage. Hall said ‘don’t worry, you don’t have to say anymore.’ Hall said he would stop when it went too far, and for [the student] to say ‘stop’ or ‘no’ then he would stop the massage,” Green wrote in the affidavit. “[The student] felt like he could not tell Hall ‘no’, even though Hall said to tell him when to stop. [The student] felt like he was on some sort of substance.”

Green’s affidavit features a handwritten edit to a sentence that ultimately notes the rape investigation.

“The undersigned affiant submits based on the facts set forth in this affidavit, that there is probable cause to believe that the Google Gmail Account contains relevant information pertaining to the investigation of Rape, Oklahoma Statute Title 21, Chapter 45, Section 1114,” Green wrote.

Brewster: ‘I don’t think’ Hall has spoken with OSBI

Hall’s attorney, Clark Brewster, said Tuesday that he has questions about the affidavit and search warrant’s handling. The warrant was first reported by Nolan Clay of The Oklahoman and KFOR.

“First of all, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a search warrant when the affiant never spoke with the witness,” Brewster said. “I think maybe if she would have had a better investigative background that’s not something she would want to sign under oath.”

Brewster, who is also representing Boren, said Hall was recovering from cancer surgery at the time of the alleged sexual encounter. Brewster expressed uncertainty when asked if Hall has been interviewed by OSBI.

“I don’t think so. I’ve reached out, and I think they know who I represent,” Brewster said. “I haven’t formally told them. I’ve said if there’s anything I can do, give me a call. And we’ve heard nothing.”

Brewster said he and Hall would have gladly provided investigators with any email or text message communications they sought.

Brewster said he was not aware whether Hall knows the OU student referenced in the affidavit, and he said he also has not asked Hall whether he ever had a sexual relationship with students while at the university.

“I have not discussed that or asked those questions. I think not, but I don’t know that. Obviously that’s not something I’ve had a discussion about,” Brewster said. “My questions are related to whether there has been any kind of impropriety or Title IX violations and those kinds of things, and I have satisfied myself that there has not.”


David Boren

OU graduate alleges sexual battery by David Boren, Tripp Hall by Tres Savage

Hall is already facing a civil lawsuit from Levi Hilliard, an OU graduate and employee of the University Club, a restaurant with a board of directors on which Hall sat. Hilliard has alleged sexual battery and sexual harassment against Hall and has sued OU, alleging a failure on the university’s behalf to supervise Hall.

Hilliard is not the OU student referenced in the OSBI affidavit filed Oct. 1, nor is Jess Eddy, another OU graduate who has alleged sexual battery by Hall during a 2010 trip to Houston.

“I am grateful for the work OSBI is doing,” Eddy said Tuesday. “Survivors are entitled to justice, and the public is entitled to know what has happened at OU.”

Hall worked for Boren when the latter was a member of the U.S. Senate and accompanied Boren to OU in 1994. Brewster emphasized Hall’s fundraising prowess while working as OU’s vice president for university development.

“This is a man who served there for 30-some years,” Brewster said. “I think the word is he raised $2 billion for the University of Oklahoma as development director. Probably one of the most successful people of all time. One of the top people in the nation.”

Read the full Tripp Hall search warrant

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