Friday, July 26, 2024


NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, "Civics" encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.


NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, "Civics" encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.
Tulsa Frontier

$5 a peep: The Tulsa Frontier’s luxurious leer

The Tulsa Frontier published a story Sunday titled: Doerflinger member of secret, 'luxury' social club since 2010. I found the headline ironic because I casually refer...
Oklahoma teacher shortage

Report: ‘Secure retirement’ would help address Oklahoma teacher shortage

The National Public Pension Coalition has released a report addressing the Oklahoma teacher shortage and how the state’s attacks on teacher-retirement security are severely...
Dove Academy

Dove Academy audit should give OKCPS pause

Oklahoma is now paying the price for a decade of efforts to shrink government to the point where it could be drowned in a...

Failed marijuana lawsuit exposes faux Federalists

When Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt announced he and former Nebraska attorney general Jon Bruning were suing the State of Colorado because of voter-approved...
Texting & Driving

Hundreds of texting while driving citations issued in OK

While a new law enacted late last year seeks to discourage distracted driving, the sheer volume of citations issued across four of the state's...
Right to Farm

Letter: Oppose SQ 777 ‘Right to Farm’

(Editor’s Note: NonDoc believes in creating a responsible forum for the rational and respectful discussion of topics and ideas. As such, we run Letters...
Oklahoma Secretary of Finance Preston Doerflinger, left

Preston Doerflinger: ‘I don’t whitewash things’

Preston Doerflinger proudly calls himself a blunt talker. The Oklahoma secretary of finance does not like to mince words. "I speak very directly in an environment where...
big tent

Build a big tent for our politics, faiths and philosophies

There's no better way to build and strengthen relationships than by participating in events that seek to build a sense of community. During the...

Algebra for breakfast: Of bacon and teaching strategies

“Well, another day has passed and I didn’t use ALGEBRA once.” You can buy a T-shirt bearing this declaration from an online store whose usual fare runs...
Dr. Drew

Hacked: No, Dr. Drew doesn’t need your money

It's not every Monday morning that Dr. Drew Pinsky asks for my help. An email sent just shy of 7 a.m. central time alerted me to the...

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