Saturday, June 22, 2024


NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, "Civics" encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.


NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, "Civics" encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.
modest proposal

A modest proposal for defending the cigarette fee

We’re painfully aware of the decision the U.S. Supreme Court must make in terms of the Trump administration’s ban on refugees from Muslim-majority nations....
Mary Fallin lumps of coal

Playing Santa, Mary Fallin hands out lumps of coal

Gov. Mary Fallin is handing out a second special session, and just in time for the holidays! What gifts will the people's elves crank...
Wind Catcher

OCC denies AG Hunter’s motion to dismiss Wind Catcher

(Correction: This story was updated at 5:45 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 28, to remove reference to a transmission line project involving NextEra Energy and Clean...

Letter: Minorities excluded from elites’ version of U.S. ideals

To the editors: An observation: With public pressure calling for him to resign from the University of Oklahoma Board of Regents, the subsequent defeat of...
Mike Romero

Mike Romero: OSDH process ‘tainted with multiple conflicts of interest’

The Oklahoma State Department of Health's chief financial officer, Mike Romero, has left the agency. In his resignation letter, Romero wrote that the "process...
gun laws

Oklahoma Watch’s primer for state gun laws

(Editor’s note: This story was authored by Ben Botkin of Oklahoma Watch and appears here in accordance with the non-profit journalism organization’s republishing terms.) Every...
Lonnie Paxton

Senate bill would return some drilling control to towns

(Correction: This story was updated at 12:10 p.m. Wednesday, March 14, to correct reference to Matt Skinner's comments. NonDoc regrets the error.) A former mayor...
#okleg stories

Our 10 most-read #okleg stories of 2018

While Oklahoma senators and representatives technically adjourned two or three weeks ahead of their typical schedule this year, the state's 56th Legislature actually spent...
more women file for office

Amid movements, more women file for the #okleg

(Editor’s note: This story was authored by Trevor Brown of Oklahoma Watch and appears here in accordance with the non-profit journalism organization’s republishing terms.) In 2012,...
Kevin Stitt

Kevin Stitt on campaign trail: ‘I have better ideas’

LAWTON — On the west edge of an oval dirt track, the tall bushy-browed Kevin Stitt — wearing boots and jeans — stood between...

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