Friday, September 13, 2024


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.
abortion absolutism

Abortion absolutism will cause more harm than good

"What has always made the state a hell on Earth has been precisely that man has tried to make it his heaven.” — Friederich Holderlin As...
latchkey kids

How to keep latchkey kids out of the mental health ‘danger zone’

Every August, when Oklahoma children return to school, my thoughts turn to our latchkey kids and the hazards and menaces they face. These kids,...

An Okie abroad: Oklahoma needs passenger trains

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — If I told you I had one simple and guaranteed method for reducing the OKC metro's traffic congestion, traffic accidents, traffic...
Gower Memorial Cemetery

‘Don’t let weeds grow on my grave’: Poems on Gower Memorial Cemetery

The Gower Memorial Cemetery, in Edmond, is a living testimony to a family’s compassion that crossed racial barriers. The cemetery of more than 500 plots...
Vicki Behenna lawsuit

Lawsuit: Behenna violated Open Records Act after police-shooting case dismissals

In the fast lane of the American news highway, it's easier than ever to pass the big stories of yesterday in pursuit of the...
college costs an arm and a leg

It’s official, college costs an arm and a leg

Metaphorically speaking, college costs an arm and a leg. While it hasn't quite literally come to that yet, I expect a limb-exchange program soon...
known unknownsvideo

Rumsfeld’s ‘known unknowns’ more salient in hindsight

I was falling down the Spotify rabbit hole of music the other night when I came across an electro-industrial act called Eat Static. Typified...

‘Quarantined in a lonely paradise’: A pandemic diary

April 16, 2020 Red Oak Tomorrow marks the end of the fifth week that my husband Les and I have been in lockdown. Except for a...

Local media mishandle panhandling headlines

Regardless of where you stand on the issue of panhandlers in OKC's medians, local media love it. It's that perfect combination of public awareness...

Hey, chawbacon: Hunter Thompson hated sportswriters

“I have explained many times that I am, by Profession, a Gambler — not some jock-sniffing nerd or a hired human squawk-box with the...

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