Commentary serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions.
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Better to be Okies than Boomers and Sooners
The term “Okie” is the presumed pejorative with which Oklahomans have been coping in one way or another since 1939 when John Steinbeck publicized...
Hole in wall a better value than Whole Foods
I awoke one morning this August to a story about three stalks of asparagus submerged in water. The Internet is a horrible mistress to find in...
Our series on ‘labor’ starts Tuesday
This may be a difficult way to say, "Happy Labor Day" and introduce an upcoming series of content, but here goes.
When Oklahoma Labor Commissioner...
‘Vital Conversations’ help spiritual minds
There is no intellectual, cultural, political, or religious tradition of interpretation that does not ultimately live by the quality of its conversation…
Black Lives Matter emerged from present-day chaos
The Black Lives Matter ethos — and its push for equality and racial inclusion in American society — has galvanized support throughout the black...
Antiquated ‘Socialist’ label will undo Bernie Sanders
I would love to support Sen. Bernie Sanders for president. I don't agree with him on everything, but I generally like his ideas more...
Letter from the Publisher: ‘A platform for collaboration’
I am a fan of new media who is intrigued by stories seldom told in our community and world. From that, I derive my passion and...
Digitally disconnecting from smiling depression
I woke up this morning to something different. There was no blue glow. There was no delay in getting out of bed to scroll...
Letter from the Editor in Chief: Doing what’s right
In many ways, people want from their media the same things they want from their government: transparency, accountability and ethics.
Unfortunately, public opinion polling shows that...
If Trump wins, conventional wisdom loses, again
Time and again, conventional wisdom is wrong in every arena where we keep score: politics, business, sports and finance.
A cadre of strategists and journalists...