Wednesday, May 8, 2024



Racial divide widens under Austin’s whitening

AUSTIN, Texas — The millennials have spoken. They have chosen this proudly odd capital city as their own, flooding it with startups and sustaining a...

Vital Conversations: Truth seekers can lose arguments

(Editor's Note: Vital Conversations is a running series of commentaries from various faith leaders. The series is sponsored by Phillips Theological Seminary, though many...
George Milburn

Meet George Milburn, a forgotten Oklahoma writer

Oklahoma produced several writers of note during the 1930s, when the state was thought to yield only dust and immigrants. Most of them were...
Bob Funk Jr

Q&A: Bob Funk Jr. — ‘Soccer can unify a community ‘

Bob Funk Jr. is perhaps best known as the owner of Oklahoma City's Energy FC. Before that, Funk Jr. was the owner of another...

Months into drug rehab, teen says violin saved her life

It's been said that music is very much like religion: How deeply it affects a person can largely depend on when they discovered it. A...
OKC street festvideo

A tale of two festivals

I wish Open Streets OKC could be more like WestFest. Both festivals are billed as family-friendly, all-day events. Both seek to highlight the growing walkability...
smoke-free bar

Surveys seek bar patrons’ opinions on smoking

The human nose supposedly can detect more than 1 trillion smells. Several bars in the Oklahoma City metro are currently running online surveys to determine whether...

After fest, Backwoods gets headlines for tragic reason

In a stark contrast to the lack of local coverage before the Backwoods Camping and Music Festival, media outlets near and far have paid...

Pick the perfect wine for a suave moment

You are holding a wine menu. Across from you, sitting expectantly, is your client / boss / the brunette with secretary glasses who shares...
economy sharing

Sharing economy helps travelers see good in the world

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — The new wave of companies revolutionizing how we sleep in foreign cities and get rides home has sparked criticism from Oklahoma...

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