
In the month of May, NonDoc received 15 different Pay What You Want contributions from readers who believe in our mission.

We truly appreciate their support, and, as we mentioned, we’d like to note a PWYW MVP for the month of May. So, without further ado, please give a round of applause to Sherry Smith who paid what she wanted on May 1. The amount wasn’t the most from a single contributor, nor was it the least, but Smith was the first, so we chose her for that reason.

Folks like Ms. Smith make our responsible public forum possible, and we hope many others consider paying what they want in the future.

If you are interested, you can find our PayPal button here.

Advertisers support journalism and reach the public

Our largest supporters, of course, are our advertisers, and we’re probably a little overdue in expressing our ongoing appreciation for their support.

At the same time, May included three new advertisers.

  • Oklahoma Coalition for Workers’ Rights: A non-profit focused on improving and defending workers’ rights in Oklahoma, OCWR also supports raising the minimum wage in the Sooner State to “at least $9.75 an hour.” More on the organization’s primary advocacy positions can be found here.
  • The Tabard Inn in Washington D.C.: Opened in 1922, the Tabard Inn is the longest continuously running hotel in our nation’s capital. It’s an intimate hotel with regular jazz performances and a happy hour Monday through Friday. To see more photos of the atmosphere and the menu, you can follow the Tabard Inn on Instagram.
  • The Oklahoma Policy Institute’s #DoSomethingOK campaign: In an effort to increase public awareness of and discussion about Oklahoma’s state budget issues, the Tulsa-based think tank launched a creative, puppet-based web series encouraging state leaders to stop doing the same thing over and over. The entertaining puppet videos can be seen here.

Of course, the ongoing advertisement support NonDoc receives from St. Anthony’s Hospital, the Beer Distributors of Oklahoma, the Woody Guthrie Center in Tulsa and the Organic Squeeze juice bar have made our journalism and creative writing efforts possible this year.

So if you like what we do here at NonDoc, don’t forget to thank our advertisers when you come across them. We’ll appreciate it, and they will, too.

Thanks for reading.