French artist Abraham Poincheval’s latest work involves him living day and night inside of a giant plastic bottle. Titled Bouteille, Voyage à contre courant, (Bottle, traveling against the current), Poincheval’s installation/performance piece travelled along the Rhone River from June to September of this year, encouraging the curious to interact with the artist at each stop along the way.
To me, the metaphorical takeaway is that we all live in our own bubble to some degree.
From presidential candidates to school children, there are invisible layers of consciousness, ego, emotion and hidden motivations manifest themselves every day but, largely, unbeknownst to anyone else.
Perhaps the clearest evidence of our personal bubbles can be seen on social media, where the intrusion of conflicting ideas or the airing of differing opinions can sometimes lead to a bursting of bubbles, as evidenced in unfollowing, de-friending and perhaps even an all-out hiatus from the online fray.
Like Poincheval in his bottle, NonDoc seeks to be transparent and accessible, and we encourage interaction with all who may happen upon us.
Things we saw (and heard)
Pew recommends fund to help Oklahoma stabilize energy tax receipts — Tulsa World
Judges Question Ross Ulbricht’s life sentence in Silk Road appeal — Wired
Meet the senators and congressmen who support marijuana legalization — The Cannabist
How Facebook is dominating the 2016 election — The Wall Street Journal
The GOP declares debate victory for Mike Pence, 90 minutes before it starts — The Washington Post
Hillary Clinton is a 68-year-old woman. And plenty of people hate her for it. — Washington Post
Luster home, with ties back to Deep Deuce’s early days, to be sold — NewsOK
Quotes to note
“[TRUMP]Â stood on the stage last week and when Hillary said, you haven’t been paying taxes, he said, “That makes me smart.” So it’s smart not to pay for our military? It’s smart not to pay for veterans? It’s smart not to pay for teachers? And I guess all of us who do pay for those things, I guess we’re stupid.”
— Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Kaine, during the vice-presidential debate, 10/4/16
“(To) the people in the Republican Party who are saying you need to fall in line – don’t try to persuade us. This guy has real personal problems and we don’t want somebody like him in office.”
— former U.S. Rep. Mickey Edwards, on the dangers of supporting Donald Trump for president, 10/6/16
“I cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women.”
— Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), after newly released audio revealed Donald Trump making misogynistic comments, 10/8/16
Video of the Week
India’s labor strike: Workers at the end of history
James Ramsey
Letter: Calling Clinton ‘devil we know’ reveals sexism
Letters to the Editors
Q&A: Workers’ compensation leader calls Oklahoma laws ‘an outrage’
NonDoc Staff