HBO’s Last Week Tonight examined companies like Mary Kay, Herbalife and Amway in its latest episode (embedded above). Known as multilevel marketing businesses (MLMs), such enterprises collectively constitute a $36 billion industry in the U.S. alone, according to the Direct Selling Association. Although MLMs often pitch and promote their products with lucrative promises, host John Oliver walks viewers through the perils and pitfalls of such business schemes — which, coincidentally, are shaped like a pyramid.
Things we saw (and heard)
Yet another elected official has discussed killing Hillary Clinton — Esquire
Editorial: Say no to the Dakota Access Pipeline — Los Angeles Times
GOP senator: I wouldn’t want daughter in a room with Donald Trump or Bill Clinton — CBS News
The FBI is self-destructing at the worst possible moment — Esquire
Wall Street Journal facing staff cuts as it consolidates print edition
— Politico
Civic engagement strongly tied to local news habits
— Journalism.org
Privet! Vladimir Putin grants Russian citizenship to Steven Seagal — USA Today
Up to 240 people feared dead in capsizings off Libyan coast — NPR
Video captures moment e-cigarette explodes in man’s pocket — Fox News
Quotes to note
“When the lions at the Art Institute start wearing Cubs hats or Bears helmets you know there’s some sort of magic happening in the city. This is it. This was a long time coming. This is really great.”
— American actor and Cubs fan Bill Murray after the Cubs clinched the World Series,11/2/16
“I will be Donald Trump’s most loyal advocate.”
— Self-avowed white supremacist and former KKK leader David Duke, during a Louisiana senate candidates’ debate, 11/2/16
“They say we’re trying to influence kids, and that’s their biggest thing. That’s their biggest ploy is you don’t want to be a bad influence to kids. You don’t want to be a bad role model. And I can agree with that. But in the same breath, you can’t say Budweiser is the official sponsor of the NFL, and we’re trying to influence kids. So there’s a ton of hypocrisy.”
— Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman, on the NFL “not being fun anymore,” 11/3/16
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