With 21 non-term-limited lawmakers leaving office, the Oklahoma Legislature will have an influx of new members for the 2019 session. Six of those departing legislators are from Tulsa-area districts, and 32 people (seven Democrats, 22 Republicans, two independents and a Libertarian) have filed to fill their seats.
Reps. Dennis Casey (R-District 35), Glen Mulready (R-District 68), Katie Henke (R-District 71), Dale Derby (R-District 74) and Michael Rogers (R-District 98) as well as Sen. Eddie Fields (R-District 10) will not return to the Legislature next year. Mulready is running for Insurance Commissioner, however, and Fields is running for Lieutenant Governor.
The following overview of candidates for open Tulsa-area districts is derived from publicly available information. Candidate primers on term-limited seats — HD 77 and SD 36 — are also available for Tulsa-area voters..
House District 35 at a glance
- Outgoing office holder: Rep. Dennis Casey
- ZIP codes represented:Â 73061, 73073, 73077, 74010, 74020, 74030, 74032, 74034, 74035, 74038, 74044, 74045, 74052, 74054, 74058, 74060, 74075, 74081, 74085, 74650, 74651
- Counties represented: Creek, Noble, Osage, Pawnee, Payne
Ty Burns (R)
Profession:Â Military/Law enforcement
Platform:Â Burns expresses few political beliefs on his website, but he states he is running “because he believes it is a calling on his life.”
Links:Â Website
James Winn (R)
No picture available
Profession:Â Unclear
Platform:Â Unclear
Links:Â Winn appears not to have a readily accessible online presence.
Jasha Lyons Echo-Hawk (D)
Profession:Â Regional field organizer for the American Civil Liberties Union
Platform: Echo-Hawk’s Facebook states the need for common sense gun reform and contains numerous posts about empowerment for Native American people as well as women.
Links:Â Website | Facebook
There will be no Democratic primary for HD 35. The Republican primary will be held June 26. A runoff-primary is not possible.
House District 68 at a glance
- Outgoing office holder: Rep. Glen Mulready
- ZIP codes represented:Â 74008, 74033, 74037, 74050, 74066, 74107, 74131, 74132
- Counties represented:Â Creek, Tulsa
Christopher A. Brobst (R)
Profession:Â Educator
Platform:Â Brobst’s website lists his beliefs as “quality education, Second Amendment rights, pro life [and] legal immigration.” He advocates for the simplification of school funding so people can see where their tax dollars are going as well as an increase in fine arts and other extracurricular programs.
Links:Â Website |Â Facebook
Nicole Nixon (R)
Profession:Â Stay-at-home mother, GOP precinct chair
Platform: Despite running for HD 68, Nixon’s website contains information about Senate District 37 and is located at “nixon4senate.com.” In 2017, Nixon ran for Senate District 37, losing in the Republican primary. Regardless, Nixon’s website cites her support of auditing state agencies to discover where Oklahoma can patch its budget shortfalls. She also believes that the state should return power locally as the federal government returns power to states.
Links:Â Website
Lonnie Sims (R)
Profession:Â Vice president of insurance-risk services at Sims Group Inc., City Councilman for Ward 2 for the City of Jenks
Platform:Â Sims’ City Councilman profile states his goals are to, “preserve our small town charm, protect our citizens, plan for financial security [and] promote our city.” There are few other resources to investigate Sims’ platform.
Links: Twitter |Â City Councilman page
Karen Renee Wright (R)
Profession:Â Educator
Platform:Â Wright’s website states she “values life from conception” and that teachers should be equipped with a “safety kit” in the event of an active shooter. She would also advocate for new businesses and construction in small towns.
Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter
Kyle Ellis (D)
Profession: Business manager for CliniCo Rural Health
Platform:Â Ellis’ website states he would balance the budget through an increase of the gross production tax, elimination of capital gains deductions and reduced income tax breaks to Oklahoma’s top 15 percent of earners. His website also states he would work toward providing health care for all Oklahomans.
Links:Â Website |Â Facebook | Twitter
Michael Ross (D)
Profession:Â Educator
Platform:Â Ross’ website states he would advocate for increased school funding through stable revenue sources that would not affect other state agencies. He seeks a reversal of the policies that rejected the Medicaid expansion.
Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter
Angela Statum (D)
Profession:Â Educator
Platform:Â Statum states she would support policies that increase per-pupil education funding. She also says “health [care] should not be a luxury” and that “Oklahomans should have access to mental health care.”
Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter
J. Lee Miller Jr. (L)
No picture available.
Profession:Â Unclear
Platform:Â Unclear
Links:Â Miller appears not to have a readily accessible online presence.
Heather Chenoweth (I)
Profession:Â Educator
Platform:Â On her website, Chenoweth advocates for the consolidation of high-paying education positions, loan-forgiveness programs to attract teachers, and the creation of a student cabinet to advise her in the Legislature. She also advocates to “reduce criminalization of drug addiction” and mental illness.
Links:Â Website
There will be no Libertarian primary for HD 68. The Democratic and Republican primaries will be held June 26. Each party would hold a runoff-primary August 28 between the top two vote-getters if no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the popular vote.
House District 71 at a glance
- Outgoing office holder: Rep. Katie Henke
- ZIP codes represented:Â 74105, 74114, 74136
- Counties represented:Â Tulsa
Beverly A. Atteberry (R)
Profession:Â Attorney
Platform:Â Atteberry’s website states Oklahoma must limit access to painkillers and that “our veterans need assistance in acquiring and retaining adequate housing.” She identifies health care as one of her core issues, stating Oklahoma needs to promote healthier lifestyles.
Links:Â Website | Facebook
Cheryl Baber (R)
Profession:Â Attorney
Platform:Â Baber’s website states “safety and security should be our state’s highest priority.” She goes on to criticize the number of tax credits Oklahoma gives out, and she identifies a need for solutions to Oklahoma’s mental health problem.
Links: Website |Â Twitter
Ben Croff (R)
Profession:Â Engineer
Platform:Â Croff’s website emphasizes a need for improvements to Oklahoma’s infrastructure for “fun, fitness and transportation.” He describes himself as a fiscal conservative and states he will fund “cost-effective programs that improve our work force.”
Links: Website |Â Facebook
Mark Edward Kosinski (R)
Profession:Â Self-employed missionary
Platform: Kosinski has few online resources, but his Facebook announcement establishes his priorities: “honor religion, defend life, protect freedom, limit government, favor capitalism [and] reduce taxes.”
Links:Â Twitter
Eric McCray (R)
Profession:Â Unclear; holds business degree from Oral Roberts University
Platform:Â From a Ballotpedia summary of his 2016 campaign website, McCray previously listed working to consolidate road projects to occur one at a time in an effort to ease traffic. It also quotes him making a correlation between government housing and crime rates. This Tulsa World article from June 12 reports McCray is in support of performance audits of state agencies. In 2016, the Tulsa Beacon published a commentary from McCray, then a Tulsa City Council candidate, titled “Misrepresented views due to poor journalism” in which he referred to his opponent’s flyer as being full of “educated fluff talk.”
Links: Ballotpedia page | Facebook
Denise Brewer (D)
Profession:Â Media professional
Platform: On her website, Brewer states she would oppose bills that aim to deregulate or privatize public education. She expresses support for policies that expand Medicaid and cites a willingness to work with both parties to find state-funding solutions.
Links:Â Website | Facebook | Twitter
There will be no Democratic primary for HD 71. The Republican primary will be held June 26. A runoff-primary will be held August 28 between the top two GOP vote-getters if no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the popular vote.
House District 74 at a glance
- Outgoing office holder: Rep. Dale Derby
- ZIP codes represented:Â 74019, 74021, 74055
- Counties represented:Â Rogers, Tulsa
Bradley Peixotto (R)
Profession:Â Business owner
Platform: This Facebook video shows Peixotto assembling a gun while blindfolded as he states both his devotion to the Second Amendment and a desire for background checks for gun purchases. He supports medicinal marijuana as well as economic climates that “[encourage] business growth.”
Links: Website | Facebook
Mark Vancuren (R)
Profession:Â Educator and coach
Platform:Â Vancuren’s online resources contain few policy stances, but his website lists the following about his priorities: “He looks forward to working on budget issues, building roads, bringing high-paying jobs to Owasso and businesses into the business park, and of course, helping increase teacher pay.”
Links: Website |Â Facebook
The Republican primary for HD 74 will be held June 26. A runoff-primary is not possible, so the winner of the primary will secure a seat in the House.
House District 98 at a glance
- Outgoing office holder: Rep. Michael Rogers
- ZIP codes represented:Â 74012, 74014, 74015
- Counties represented:Â Tulsa, Wagoner
Scott Crane (R)
Profession:Â Cybersecurity consultant
Platform:Â If elected, Crane’s website states he would protect the Second Amendment and be a pro-life legislator. He touts his Internet-technology experience as bringing insight as the Oklahoma Legislature and economy become digital. According to his website, “Taxes should be as low as possible.”
Links:Â Website
Dean F. Davis (R)
Profession:Â Educator and coach
Platform:Â Davis’ website asserts that economic growth should be Oklahoma’s top priority. He supports additional education funding but also identifies community involvement as a factor in a quality education. His website states he will oppose any legislation that would weaken Second Amendment rights. Davis is also pro-life.
Links:Â Website
Jeremiah Herbert (R)
Profession:Â Educator
Platform:Â The only issue on Herbert’s website is education. He says his goal in office is to “cut overspending in our current budget, and earmark those saving[s] for education and other human services.”
Links: Website |Â Facebook
Bryan A. Howard (R)
Profession:Â Businessman for a pest-control service
Platform: This Facebook post details Howard’s priorities for the House of Representatives. He states he would increase education funding through consolidation of superintendent regions and would advocate for audits of state agencies to cut wasteful spending. He also cites support for rehabilitation and mental health services for non-violent offenders in an effort to reduce Oklahoma’s prison population.
Links:Â Facebook
Wesley Pratt (R)
Profession:Â Private-sector financier
Platform: Instead of raising taxes, Pratt’s Facebook page advocates for a redirection of resources to “vital state agencies and fund education, infrastructure, and mental health.” He cites support for zero-based budgeting, which he describes as starting with zero dollars for an agency and building the budget around their predicted needs. He also cites support for audits of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority and questions why the state gives them tax dollars.
Links: Facebook | GoFundMe
Laura Steele (R)
Profession:Â Educator
Platform:Â Steele’s website states that petty drug crimes should be met with treatment, not jail time. She lists her priority focus in the House as education, which she states needs a more stable funding formula that also maintains high expectations in the classroom. She also states that she would work to bring new businesses to Oklahoma and that good schools attract businesses.
Links: Website |Â Facebook
Kilmyn Easley-Graf (D)
Profession:Â Educator
Platform:Â To balance the budget, Easely-Graf’s website expresses support for a reduction of special-interest giveaways as well as a more transparent budget process. She also cites support for increased funding to education and identifies a need for consolidating state highway projects to increase efficiency. Both her father, Kevin Easley, and her grandmother, Mary Easley, served in the Legislature.
Links:Â Website |Â Facebook
Matt Hobbs (D)
Profession:Â Educator
Platform:Â Hobbs’ website states that health care should be a fundamental right for all Oklahomans, and that he will fight to expand Medicaid in Oklahoma. He supports measures to “enforce stronger regulations on waste water disposal and invest in a diverse energy economy” to protect Oklahoma’s environment and economy.
Links:Â Website |Â FundRazr
Sean Parrish (I)
No picture available
Profession: Unclear; his Facebook page states he works a “blue collar job.”
Platform: Also on his Facebook, Parrish states he would audit state agencies to find misappropriated funds. He emphasizes his status as an independent, saying that he would not vote along party lines but instead look to the merits of every bill. He cites support for increased teacher funding.
Links:Â Facebook
The HD 98 Republican and Democratic primaries will be held June 26. A Republican runoff-primary will be held Aug. 28 between the top two vote-getters if no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the popular vote.
Senate District 10 at a glance
- Outgoing office holder: Sen. Eddie Fields
- ZIP codes represented:Â 74001, 74002, 74003, 74022, 74035, 74051, 74054, 74056, 74060, 74063, 74070, 74073, 74084, 74126, 74601, 74604, 74631, 74632, 74633, 74637, 74641, 74646, 74647, 74650, 74652, and 74653.
- Counties represented:Â Kay, Osage
Bill Coleman (R)
Profession: Owner and operator of Team Radio Marketing Group, a family of five radio stations
Platform:Â On his website, Coleman identifies his issues as traditional values, stronger schools, more jobs, agriculture and infrastructure. He cites support for higher teacher pay, would “hold the line” against taxes and regulations and wants to protect Oklahoma’s rural way of life.
Links:Â Website |Â Facebook
Gary R. Lanham (R)
Profession:Â Retired Chief Master Sergeant of the United States Air Force, former city manager for Hominy, Oklahoma
Platform: This Facebook post states that Lanham is not running to push his personal opinion and would instead listen to the people of SD 20. He has expressed that he is running because of a lack of transparency in government.
Links:Â Website |Â Facebook
Amber Roberts (R)
No picture available
Profession:Â Unclear
Platform:Â Unclear
Links:Â Roberts appears to lack a readily accessible online presence.
The SD 10 Republican primary will be held June 26. A Republican runoff-primary will be held Aug. 28 between the top two vote-getters if no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the popular vote. There will be no general election for SD 10.