To the editors,
I believe business is one of the greatest platforms for change. There is no government program, action or mandate with as much impact as the collective and thoughtful action of pro-business leaders.
The State Chamber is proud to represent the members of the Oklahoma business community that provide the jobs, income, health care, retirement, opportunity and economic advancement for the people and communities of this state.
Oklahoma retailers, manufacturers, transporters, financial service providers, along with tech and telecom companies, provide us the modern tools and services we depend on daily. Without them, the convenience (and luxury) of life in the 21st century, especially during a pandemic, would disappear.
Despite precautions, the novel coronavirus continues to spread, and some people have called for increased state government action.
Here’s the thing: We definitely need Oklahomans to protect the economy by practicing social distancing and wearing masks. But we should not need the government to force us to do what is right in this situation.
Everyone who believes in the necessity of keeping our economy open because it elevates our existence and creates prosperity has the power to make it happen by masking up. It’s the most pro-business thing you can do.
As the leading voice of business in Oklahoma, the State Chamber urges everyone to live up to our pro-business philosophy by wearing a mask, social distancing and letting business continue to make life in a pandemic the best it can be.
Chad Warmington, president & CEO
State Chamber of Oklahoma
(Editor’s note: NonDoc runs Letters to the Editors of between approximately 300 to 500 words. NonDoc reserves the right to edit lightly for length, style and grammar. We value a diverse set of voices respectfully discussing issues from different perspectives. To submit a letter to the editors for publication, please write to letters@nondoc.com.)