As we close in on this spring’s $20,000 fundraising goal for our Edmond Civic Reporting Project, the NonDoc newsroom decided to break out the microphones and record a podcast from Oklahoma’s fifth-largest city.
A sculpture park saga, deep dives on housing and homelessness, a police investigation: I’ve covered numerous topics since we launched the Edmond Civic Reporting Project in May 2022. However, outside of a small cameo in NonDoc’s 2023 birthday episode, I had not been granted the opportunity to sit down with my coworkers for an episode of our illustrious podcast — until now.
As happens at NonDoc, our latest episode — Nothing Rhymes with Community Journalism — dove into the weeds of all things important:
- The origins of our Edmond Civic Reporting Project;
- Team member origin stories;
- Mean tweets and praise board content;
- Top Edmond-related news articles;
- An interrupting duck, which you can’t hear on the recording … but it was there;
- The nature of fundraising as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) journalism organization.
Edmond podcast introduces NonDoc’s development director
Long-time fans of Live from the News Dungeon will be happy to find in this episode that Tres is as quippy as ever and Angela remains a walking “giggle-fit.” Plus, Tara McMillen Hall, our newly hired development director, wields humor dryer than a Popeyes biscuit in her LFTND debut.
Except, this Edmond podcast episode revealed a branding conundrum: We are no longer in the News Dungeon! As a result, the team brainstormed new potential podcast names at the end of the episode. If you’ve got ideas, please let us know. As you’ll hear within, we need suggestions. Desperately.
So, please take a little time on your commute to enjoy our verbal shenanigans. At the least, skip to the 52-minute mark to hear the names of NonDoc’s charitable sponsors who help make our work possible. Speaking of fundraising, we are only $2,800 away from reaching our $20,000 goal for the Edmond Civic Reporting Project.
Thanks to a generous grant from the Kirkpatrick Foundation, any donation from an Edmond resident or business through April 30 will be matched up to the $20,000 total. Click here to make a donation to NonDoc today.
To that end, thank you for reading, listening and supporting community journalism, even if it doesn’t rhyme with much.