
NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, “Civics” encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.

Edmond meetings

Birthday Rant: Edmond City Council, EPS Board should avoid overlapping meetings


‘We love the community’: Enid event provides time to reflect, discuss city challenges

democratic socialism

The top-10 contributions of democratic socialism

I recently lost my shit over this op-ed, which claims that youth support Bernie Sanders because they’re ignorant about history and economics. Apparently, they’re...
Oklahoman editorial board

Filter: Oklahoman editorial board thinks public is stupid

When The Oklahoman's editorial board discusses health care issues — and specifically Medicaid expansion — it often makes incongruous statements that support a political position...
Rodney Bivens

Q&A — Food bank founder Rodney Bivens: ‘Oklahoma has significant issues with low-wage jobs’

Oklahoma consistently ranks among the hungriest states in America. That's why the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma constitutes such a vital charity. Since 1980, food...
school choice

‘School choice’ is an idea whose time has passed

For more than 25 years, I have cautiously supported school choice — at least in terms of homegrown charter schools offering alternatives to local families. Oklahoma...

BernieSingles.com typifies millennial frenzy for Sanders

Somehow, millennials have a way of making everything that is new new again. On a macro scale, the gig economy that allows people to make ends...
tax policy

Letter: Oklahoma’s tax policy should account for risks

(Editor’s Note: The following letter was submitted to The Oklahoman on Feb. 5 but was not published. We have published the letter instead. NonDoc runs...
mental health parity

Lack of mental health parity creates ‘walking wounded’

(Editor's Note: Jill Smith is a name given to an Oklahoma City resident who was interviewed about her mental health issues for this story.) Jill...
tax credits

Filter: Feathers ruffled over Oklahoma tax credits

If theaters could talk, what would they say? The Tower Theatre on 23rd Street in OKC found its voice in January when its iconic sign lit...

Clinton wades into quicksand of the UFO phenomenon

In early 2016, Hillary Clinton gave what might be the most significant signal ever telegraphed to the American people about UFOs. Or she just confirmed...
U.S. v. Texas

U.S. v. Texas: ‘Take Care’ not to expand judicial power

United States v. Texas … what fun. The facts are complicated. They always are when the legal story is good and the outcome may be...

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