Tuesday, July 16, 2024


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.
Oklahoma open records

Plaintiffs, robots cover Oklahoma open records lawsuit

How best should one write about Oklahoma's unabating Open Records Act violations? The best way, I suppose, would be whatever way most supports state compliance with a key pillar...

Sunday Funday: The price of safety at home

Safety First Poem Second Go Native. Go Nowhere. Go Vote. by Derek Geiger The drums of Babylon are fading As the drummers bang stronger. Reverse the Exodus, my people! We shall...
civil asset forfeiture

Where the river goes: A tribute playlist for Scott Weiland

In light of vocalist and frontman Scott Weiland's unfortunate death Thursday night in Bloomington, Minn., NonDoc offers up this Spotify playlist as tribute to an...
Jim Thompson fiction

Jim Thompson wrote ‘hard-boiled existential noir’

Imagine it is the early 1950s, and you are preparing to board a Greyhound for a three-hour trip. You need something to help pass...
parent revolution

‘Parent Revolution’ pushes bad charter school rhetoric

Even among Oklahoma City residents, not that many outsiders venture into the neighborhood around F.D. Moon Elementary School. My three incredibly satisfying decades of...
Cowboys & Indians

Feet in two worlds: The American Indian, cowboy hybrid

The Native American is historically pedigreed. Its bloodlines bound through hundreds of years and generations, and lopes straight as I-40. Not so with the...
Norman police

Norman police still doing Norman police things

In September 2005, Norman police officer Chad Vincent shot 17-year-old Richard Lee Sanchez 13 times, killing the teen who had escaped from a juvenile...

Readers blast Red Dirt Report for ‘Trump Nazi’ post

Ridiculous. Dishonest. Childish. Asked to characterize the above Facebook post from the Red Dirt Report in a single word Tuesday, two friends and I were harsh. Red...

‘Tis the season for giving, but we’re being selfish

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I...
conservative Republican

Why I’m a conservative Republican

I am a conservative Republican, but I’m not who you think I am. I didn’t grow up in a heated political climate. I began to...

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