Wednesday, July 17, 2024


NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, "Civics" encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.


NonDoc journalists report on the civic realm in Oklahoma and beyond. Our site also publishes a variety of commentary pieces about civic matters. As a site category, "Civics" encompasses three subcategories: Education, Health Care and Politics.

Work-first economic policies ‘now widely discredited’

Since the 1990s, both education and social policy have shifted gears away from coordinated, comprehensive efforts to fight poverty and toward reward-and-punish policies to...
SQ 777

Letter: SQ 777 ‘has nothing to do with family farming’

(Editor’s Note: NonDoc believes in creating a responsible forum for the rational and respectful discussion of topics and ideas. As such, we run Letters to...

Abortion abolitionist: NonDoc authors heading for hell

Thanks again to NonDoc for the opportunity to present an alternative view to that which is usually represented on its pages. America’s Holocaust is ongoing,...

Filter: Who will run against Sheriff John Whetsel?

In a victory summation largely overshadowed by President Barack Obama's own re-election nationally, Oklahoma County Sheriff John Whetsel attributed his 2012 re-election to "the professionalism of the...

Trump’s popularity swells on ‘tide of distraction’

(Editor’s Note: Vital Conversations is a running series of commentaries from various faith leaders. The series is sponsored by Phillips Theological Seminary, though contributions...

Oklahoma Legislature fails to advance ESAs … for now

Two bills that would have created “education savings accounts,” or ESAs, failed to be heard in the Oklahoma Legislature Thursday. Because Thursday marked the...

CEO: ‘MakeOKBetter’ by taking federal health care funds

WAGONER — Rural hospitals across Oklahoma are in crisis. Each year, Oklahoma hospitals absorb more than $560 million in unreimbursed care for their uninsured and...

WTF v. FTW: Church-state debate and criminal-justice reform

Checks and balances. Win some, lose some. Following last week's advancement of two bills that potentially threaten Oklahomans' health in more ways than one, the...
douche with bleach

DIY abortion searches: ‘Can I douche with bleach?’

The United States saw more than 700,000 Google searches for phrases related to "how to give yourself an abortion" in 2015, according to a...
OKCPS board

Observations from a now-retired OKCPS board member

(Editor's Note: The following is text from long-time Oklahoma City Public School Board member Phil Horning's farewell address delivered Feb. 1. It has been...

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