Monday, September 9, 2024


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.
Oklahoma budget

Budget match: The audience wants to go home

There is a rumble happening at the Oklahoma State Capitol presently, but it doesn't seem to be a royal one. Legislative leaders, including House Speaker...

Science, religion agree: ‘We are part of nature’

(Editor's Note: Vital Conversations is a running series of commentaries from various faith leaders. The series is sponsored by Phillips Theological Seminary, though contributions...
math wars

Ending the math wars

Everyone needs to know the mechanical methods of paper-and-pencil arithmetic. The technical term for these methods is algorithm. Much of high school and college...

The COVID-19 outbreak holds lessons for policymakers

We haven’t yet reached the peak of COVID-19 outbreak, and it can be hard to envision the end of this crisis. But we know...

In wake of OSU tragedy, avoid jumping to conclusions

Terrible news broke Saturday morning when a car drove through the OSU homecoming parade and killed four people, injuring dozens of others. Now, I am...
masking up

Letter: Masking up is the most pro-business thing you can do

To the editors, I believe business is one of the greatest platforms for change. There is no government program, action or mandate with as much...
David Holt reelection

David Holt rides wave of popularity to reelection

While I have never personally seen him surfing the OKC streetcar, newly reelected Mayor David Holt can be seen riding it on the inside...
brogdon for district 34

Analyze the ‘who’ in presidential polls

When any tweet linking a story scrolls across my screen with words like "Trump" "Sanders" or "anchor baby," the political junkie in me can't...
OU basketball

OU basketball trying to show hoops can still be on top

My fondest sports memory as an underclassman at the University of Oklahoma had absolutely nothing to do with football. It involved a 1995 OU men’s...
caring for the environment

Caring for the environment can help you get through the pandemic

To paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, this Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone’s needs but not everyone’s greed. As an environmentalist and a minimalist, I cannot help...

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