Monday, September 9, 2024


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.
Jenna Miller, Out of Character

Out of Character: Jenna Miller explores body positivity, queer identity

(Editor’s note: NonDoc’s Author Umbrella interviews up-and-coming writers, particularly authors of color, authors of disability and LGBTQ+ authors. The interviews have been transcribed and lightly edited for...
Save the Egg

‘Save the Egg,’ or else how will the aliens get home?

While not quite an extraterrestrial spacecraft, the First Christian Church located at Northwest 36th Street and North Walker Avenue has always had a "building...
political debates

What is in the public’s best interest? Notes about political debates

Last week, the rest of the country (sort of) learned that I have been organizing and co-moderating political debates in Oklahoma for the past...
economy sharing

Sharing economy helps travelers see good in the world

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — The new wave of companies revolutionizing how we sleep in foreign cities and get rides home has sparked criticism from Oklahoma...

After Achille’s transgender firestorm, wins mingle with losses

As a child, I knew that I had a gender incongruity; what I didn’t know was how to address it. My first addiction was...
Hillary Clinton

Letter: Why I support Hillary Clinton for president

(Editor's Note: Debbie Hogue-Downing is a retired educator and long-time Clinton supporter who sits on the Hillary for Oklahoma Leadership Council. NonDoc has solicited Letters...
curling Olympics

Winter Olympics: The case for shuffleboard over curling

Two days ago, I realized I know almost nothing about winter sports and, by extension, the Winter Olympics. Skiing and ice skating are fairly...
Sooner Schooner

With the Sooner Schooner on blocks, it’s Top Daug time

Since he was retired in 2005 while I was a student at the University of Oklahoma, I have always thought the mascot Top Daug...
Broke Oklahoma

‘We should be fixin’ to fix a broke Oklahoma’

Imagine if we Oklahomans were as good at fixing a broke government as we are at fixing everything else. What would that look like? Okies...
Shark Tank

Shark Tank business donates deodorant to rural OK

TISHOMINGO — Two months ago, I shared a personal memory on NonDoc about the pains of growing up too poor to afford deodorant. The...

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