Save the Egg
(Mike Allen)

While not quite an extraterrestrial spacecraft, the First Christian Church located at Northwest 36th Street and North Walker Avenue has always had a “building of tomorrow” vibe, and it stands out sharply in OKC’s architectural landscape. Naturally that means someone wants to tear it down and build something else… or maybe just do nothing with the land. It’s tradition around here, ya know?

It was heartening to see a “Save the Egg” rally for the preservation of the building this past week. Much like the Donnay building in 2017, the rallies show that perhaps there is a wind of change with historic preservation, or at least that it’s becoming a more top-of-mind subject. Also like the Donnay building, “the egg” deserves a chance. I want to believe there are creative uses here, and hopefully somebody with money thinks the same. Time will tell, but I’d hate to see it go.

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  • Mike Allen

    Mike Allen is a graphic designer, painter, printer and tailor. He has a fine art degree from the University of Oklahoma.

  • Mike Allen

    Mike Allen is a graphic designer, painter, printer and tailor. He has a fine art degree from the University of Oklahoma.