feed your brain
Support local and reader-funded journalism by making a donation this week. (NonDoc)

Our goal at NonDoc is to feed you good journalism that educates and helps you be an informed member of our community. You are intelligent, curious and someone who wants to be in the know, so we strive to offer you timely local stories that are fair, thorough and useful. We feed your brain.

And we, in turn, are fed by you. As an independent, nonprofit news outlet, we rely on your donations to fuel our work. Free-to-read news isn’t actually free to produce, and we count on you as a necessary team member. So as we launch our first crowd-sourced fundraising drive of the year, be a VIP today and donate whatever NonDoc is worth to you!

For this week’s drive, we are aiming to raise $10,000 toward our 2021 fundraising goal. And here’s the great news: The Oklahoma State Medical Association will help us get there by matching the first $5,000 we raise. So please donate this week to double your contribution to community journalism!

While you can always donate online, we are also excited to offer you a chance to reconnect with our team make an in-person donation during a casual patio happy hour from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, April 1, at Kindred Spirits, a new bar 1726 N.E. 23rd St. in Oklahoma City.

Just a couple of minutes east of the State Capitol, Kindred Spirits will be re-opening and welcoming guests for its first day of business in 2021, so drop by to check out this important establishment that focuses on culture and cocktails. For those who make a donation to NonDoc, we will buy you a beer (or two) from a special keg on tap. So pack the ol’ checkbook on Thursday and tell your boss you’ve got to leave work a little early to support your community.

Speaking of support, your backing in 2020 was humbling and motivating. We all had a rough go last year, but you showed up for independent journalism in a big way, which allowed us to keep going. This year we ask you to stick with us while we expand our reach and cover more communities. We promise to keep feeding your brain with facts.

Feed your brain with this

As a reminder of the kind of information and resources NonDoc puts at your fingertips, here are a few examples of our work to feed your brain.

Plus, don’t forget that we organized and held a debate between Edmond mayoral candidates last week as part of our broader coverage of 2021’s important local elections.

Resource pages on NonDoc

Most read articles this month

Some of our favorite stories so far this year

Health Care