Monday, September 2, 2024


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.
teacher shortage

Teacher shortage: Real or fabricated?

It sounds weird, but some school reformers keep denying that teachers are fleeing the classroom. Even stranger, Oklahoma is cited as a place where...
Confederate flag

A Confederate flag story for activists and activist haters

Some white people in Oklahoma wear confederate flag T-shirts and drive pickup trucks. I know one. My Jeep met the back of her 2007 Mitsubishi...

Special thanks to PWYW sponsors and advertisers

In the month of May, NonDoc received 15 different Pay What You Want contributions from readers who believe in our mission. We truly appreciate their support,...
black historyvideo

New films help capture ‘full experience’ of black history

I always knew I was African American. In my household, we were black people. Descendants of slaves, yes. Also descendants of Native Americans and...
School reform

Shaming third-graders: How school reform fails students

Virginia third-grade teacher Launa Hall exposed a shocking example of how corporate school reform has lost its soul, and a surprising innovation known as...

Letter: Doerflinger ‘fancies himself an Oklahoma version of Trump’

(Editor’s Note: NonDoc believes in creating a responsible forum for the rational and respectful discussion of topics and ideas. As such, we run Letters...
Chronic absenteeism

Chronic absenteeism fundamental to schools’ failures

On the eve of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the John Marshall High School I taught at had an attendance rate of...
Chicago Cubsvideo

Having ‘faith’ in the Chicago Cubs feels weird

Merriam Webster defines "faith" as the strong belief or trust in someone or something. Midway through the 2016 MLB season, examining the statistics of one of baseball's best...
Stop killing each other

Editorial: Stop killing each other

Yet another week begins with American tragedy, as three police officers were shot and killed in Baton Rouge, La., on Sunday. The attack — called...

OKDHS cuts are another wound for legislature, Fallin

While Oklahomans were elated by Russell Westbrook news Thursday and distracted by arrogant hashtag-mongering Friday, OKDHS announced $45 million in budget cuts Wednesday. The Oklahoma...

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