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Roundabouts: You spin me left-round, baby, left-round

number sense

‘Number sense’ needed in math education

rivalry week, Farmageddon

Hangover highlights: Goodbye rivalry week, hello championship games

This weekend marked "rivalry week" in college football, as many schools faced one of their more hated opponents in the final turn of the...

Hangover highlights: Someone always gets screwed by the College Football Playoff

Math is hard. You don’t have to tell me. I made a B and a D in my mathematics classes in college, the only two...
OKC restaurants closing

Despite OKC restaurants closing, keep a positive palate

Surely our Okie palettes have developed beyond the need for sugar and salad dressing with every meal, right? I jest, of course. In reality, Oklahoma...
Tristan Loveless, Tulsa courts reporter

From teaching, to law school, to journalism: Meet NonDoc’s new courts-focused Tulsa reporter

TULSA — I grew up talking politics. Election season conversations around the dinner table were frequent and sometimes tense. But I loved it and...
2024 journalism internship

Apply for NonDoc’s 2024 journalism internship program

Are you a college-aged person interested in journalism who seeks the chance to enhance your writing and reporting skills within a professional newsroom? If...
Ryan Minor

Big Man on Campus: Ryan Minor made memories at OU

In the spring of 1995, Ryan Minor gave my grandmother a hug. Minor was a two-sport star at the University of Oklahoma, in basketball and...
tax santa claus

Ooops, Santa left his tax exempt certificate at home

It's never too early to start thinking about your taxes, they say. Well, I'm not really sure who would say that besides the IRS, but...
Megan Prather, NonDoc distribution, taxidermied raccoon

Allow me to reintroduce myself: Megan Prather returns for distribution, development role

During my two years as a reporter for NonDoc Media, I encountered many fascinating scenarios: a trio of virtual charter school leaders charged with...

Hello, 2024: Cheers to another year of art imitating life

There's just something about endings and beginnings that evokes a wave of reflection. The final days of a calendar year have their own brand of...

Loving, loyal, trusting: Dogs model behavior at its best

It was Jack’s favorite prank. Around 6:30 every morning, he would slip into our bedroom to see if we were awake and ready to feed...

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