Monday, July 22, 2024

Commentary serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to

Commentary serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to
OKCPS 2017 Statistical Abstract

OKCPS 2017 Statistical Abstract: Three takeaways

The OKCPS 2017 Statistical Abstract is out (and embedded at the end of this article). As we already knew, the state’s shift to higher standards produced a...

Letter: Oklahoma’s ‘disgraceful band of hypocrites’

To the editors: I couldn't agree more with Mr. Savage's Feb. 9 commentary regarding Oklahoma's congressional delegation. They are a disgraceful band of hypocrites touting family...
Norman roots

The NonDoc ‘Blame it all on our roots’ Norman party

While the NonDoc world headquarters is located in Oklahoma City, our roots trace back to Norman. Each of our co-owners met in Norman and...
curling Olympics

Winter Olympics: The case for shuffleboard over curling

Two days ago, I realized I know almost nothing about winter sports and, by extension, the Winter Olympics. Skiing and ice skating are fairly...
congressional delegation

Congressional delegation tolerates sociopath for agenda

Oklahoma's congressional delegation contains a number of apparent ideologues. Either that, or they are remarkably inattentive. Perhaps they are merely gutless wonders. In any...

How a movement forgot my mother: #MeToo, privilege and trauma

In the Trump era, it’s difficult to find much for an unabashed, cynical, idealistic misanthrope like me to be thankful for. I can, however,...
Step Up Oklahoma

Oklahoma must ‘step up’ to support entrepreneurship

A group of business and civic leaders recently “stepped up” to offer a series of proposals to lead the state out of its current...
School Choice Summit 2018video

School Choice Summit 2018: An about-face from 2017

The School Choice Summit 2018 held Jan. 25 at Oklahoma City University was the opposite of Oklahoma City’s first summit, which took place last...
Oklahoma state employees

Letter: Oklahoma state employees deserve a raise

To the editors: I support salary increases for teachers, however, I am equally concerned that state employees' last cost-of-living salary increase was in 2007 —...
Step Up Oklahoma

Editorial: Questions Step Up Oklahoma’s media partners should ask

Oklahoma's most powerful media are partners in the proposal Gov. Mary Fallin will almost surely pitch to lawmakers today during her final State of...

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