Tuesday, July 16, 2024


ACM@UCO festivalvideo

ACM@UCO festival: Eclectic mix features Guided By Voices

There's no better bargain in the state this weekend than ACM@UCO's Metro Music Fest Saturday in Oklahoma City’s Bricktown district. With the nice price of absolutely-freakin'-free,...

‘My father barely spoke a word’

Hank by James Coburn My father barely spoke a word. I heard him roll rubber bands down inky, dry newspapers;... saw him sip black coffee, while covered in wheat dust, pass...
your shoes

In your shoes, to feel what you go through

In your shoes, to feel what you go through by Brian Kasaine Let's trade places Mount my horse I'll slip feet into your shoes. Ride through my garden of...

Female-fronted acts represented well at NMF 2018

There are nearly 70 female soloists, bands or band leaders performing at NMF this year. Singers, songwriters and bands like Tequila Songbirds, KALO, Annie...

Pump the rocket brakes on Oumuamua as proof of ET

The news has been a little slow on the ground lately, so let's turn our attention to the skies, shall we? Over the past two...
Johnson & Johnson

Opioid trial could cause tears for Johnson & Johnson

I hadn't been paying close attention to the Johnson & Johnson opioid trial taking place in Norman until this past week, when it was...

OKC pickleball tournament highlights growing sport

With terms like kitchen, dill, pickle, slice, server and punch, one might think a dinner party is on the schedule in Oklahoma City this...

Filter: Anti-abortion folks take fetus pics to art walk

Police were called to keep the peace between aggressive anti-abortion advocates and annoyed Paseo Arts District patrons Friday night during the area's monthly art...
Munich Oktoberfest

Munich Oktoberfest: Security improved but not ironclad

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Germany's Oktoberfest began Sept. 17, and, continuing six years of tradition, I headed over from my home in Switzerland. One year ago, Germany...
The will and the brain

‘The mind, the will and the brain’

ILE-IFE, Nigeria — So, it's a new year and wishes have flown around. We must have had our resolutions set already, too? Well, good....

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