holidaze podcast
On episode two of NonDoc's Live from the News Dungeon podcast, the team talks about gifting. (NonDoc)

Have you completed all of your holiday shopping? Has the stress of trying to find gifts for loved ones left you in a holidaze?

If so, treat yourself to the second episode of NonDoc’s new Live from the News Dungeon podcast. In this episode, our team talks about the origins and sociology of gifting, as well as popular American gifts of the past century.

Of course, there’s a lot more than that packed into this podcast, so quit reading and start listening to the embedded audio file:

Plus, Live from the News Dungeon episodes are available on PodBean, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Pandora and Apple Podcasts, as well as its connected platforms. Please consider subscribing, rating, reviewing, sharing … and then listening again because it was such an awesome episode.

Links you may like while listening

When you listen to this new episode — The Holidaze — you may want to keep the following items at your fingertips for relevant reference:

Again, if you enjoy our podcast, please rate, review and share with your friends. Also, as requested in the episode, feel free to note in the comments your thoughts about gifting, the holidays and your least favorite animal. We would also like to know your love language so that we can thank you most effectively for taking the time to listen to our podcast.

Prior episodes of Live from the News Dungeon

Episode 1: Spit takes and fluid fingers