Sunday, September 1, 2024


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.


NonDoc.com serves as a responsible public forum for news and commentary. Our commentary section is open for public submission on a variety of topics. Promotional pieces are not accepted as commentary submissions. To learn the guidelines for submitting commentary pieces, pitch your topic and thesis statement to editorial@nondoc.com.
OKC charters

Proposing more OKC charters a ‘high-stakes gamble’

When a new mass charterization plan was presented to the Oklahoma City Public School System Board of Education last week, “tempers flared … and...
Nellie Clay Band

Photos: February filled with music and culture

For only having one extra day, February was especially packed with music and culture events this year. In the midst of national politics, Norman's city...
Ray Newton

Recalling racism with oral history: resentment, tension and change

(Author's Note: The following is part one of three “sound chapters” of Oklahoma oral black histories collected in Every Point on the Map's work over...
David Holt

Sen. David Holt: Marco Rubio ‘right on the issues’

(Editor’s Note: Sen. David Holt (R-OKC) serves as Marco Rubio's Oklahoma chairman for his 2016 presidential campaign. NonDoc has solicited Letters to the Editors from Oklahomans...

Earthquakes and sins: ‘The freedom to breathe’

(Editor’s Note: NonDoc provides Sundaze as a weekly space for poetry, short prose, visual art and other ideas pitched by creatives in Oklahoma and around the world....
Donald Trump polls

Political Apprentice: Donald Trump puts on a show

Sitting at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City waiting for Donald Trump to show up for his Friday rally, I couldn’t help but think...
Marco Rubio

OKC: Marco Rubio throws zingers, kitchen sink at Trump

With ACDC’s “Thunderstruck” blaring from speakers, Oklahoma's governor and senior U.S. senator took to the Chevy Bricktown Events Center stage Friday afternoon to stump for Marco...
HJR 1037

HJR 1037: Return of Oklahoma’s ‘Rotten political system’

“Before court reform, judges ran in open elections—anybody could run for office. They were totally dependent on lawyers’ contributions to their campaigns. It was...
Hillary Clinton

Letter: Why I support Hillary Clinton for president

(Editor's Note: Debbie Hogue-Downing is a retired educator and long-time Clinton supporter who sits on the Hillary for Oklahoma Leadership Council. NonDoc has solicited Letters...
Bernie Sanders Tulsa

Climate change, fracking and Sam Walton: Bernie Sanders takes on sacred cows in Tulsa

TULSA — "Climate change is real, climate change is caused by human activity, climate change is already causing devastating problems in our country and...

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