
(Editor’s Note: NonDoc provides Sundaze as a weekly space for poetry, short prose, visual art and other ideas pitched by creatives in Oklahoma and around the world. All submissions are encouraged, and new creatives are sought. Submit your work for publication by contacting

‘Unstoppable force’

Unstoppable Force

‘Born out of the darkness in our hearts…’
by Mike Allen

I‘ve seen quite a few articles this week on social media and other news outlets asking the question, “What gave rise to Donald Trump?” or “Who created Donald Trump?”

Of course, the finger has been pointed in all directions — sometimes looking back decades — and even the political satire/entertainment mixed television shows have been blamed.

I get a good laugh from it, mostly due to the language describing the situation sounding like something out of a comic book or a fantasy movie. It’s like Trump is an unstoppable force — the living, breathing manifestation of all our wrong-doings, born out of the darkness in our hearts. Now, two sides that were once former foes must unite to stop him!

Usually in these plots, the “good guys” prevail. I’m not sure how this (now) very real-world scenario will play out, but it will no doubt be interesting to see the measures the parties will take.

*Cue the “Michael Jackson eating popcorn” gif*


With others ‘losing,’ Trump says, ‘Hadouken!’ by Mike Allen & Katie Williams

More Sundaze

Saving daylight: ‘We do not listen’

‘Our city on the hill embraces the landfill’

Earthquakes and sins: ‘The freedom to breathe’

‘Excuses for slavery prick my hand’

Happy Valentine’s Day: Every comic begins with ‘C’

Flat Earthism: ‘Today will not be normal’

‘Our love died right on the table’

Deflated footballs and a requiem for Beirut

Sundaze: Darth Vader, David Bowie & Emily Dickinson

‘Did you wash your mouth with acid?’

‘Life’s got reckoning to do’