St. Patrick's Day makes no sense
(Mike Allen)

Exactly how we went from snakes being driven out of Ireland to green beer, I’m not sure. Frankly, St. Patrick’s Day makes no sense. Celebrating it in the usual American way involves wearing green, trying not to get pinched, drinking green Coors, and as if to add some kind of authenticity, drinking Guinness, Smithwick’s and/or Jameson.

In America, we are always looking for a reason to drink, ya know? In fact, I’m having trouble thinking of B-tier “holidays” that we haven’t turned into boozefests. Flag Day?

A quick side note: Should we as a nation come up with a definitive holiday tier list? That’s a comic subject for another time, and I’m probably over-thinking it a bit.

I hope everyone stays safe out there and enjoys a day of green… everything.

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