(Mike Allen)

(Editor’s note: Cartoonist Mike Allen was a little busy being awesome this weekend, so your friendly editor in chief, Tres Savage, stepped in to breakdown this week’s #Sundaze comic.)

Norman has seen its share of news recently. Aside from other troubling headlines here on NonDoc, city residents punted the football last week on a stormwater issue that city leaders seriously want to address. Voters, however, are less convinced, having defeated a similar proposal in 2016.

The reason? Hard to say without much research, but Oklahomans are not always thrilled with new tax obligations and utility fees, especially when the problem at hand has been endured for decades.

Everyone knows that Norman floods, and the tap water can taste a little … suspicious? But if you’re new to town, just don’t go (or build?) where it floods when it floods, and maybe find out why everyone’s talking about iced tea. That’s probably how a fair number of longtime Norman voters view political messages about flooding. After all, there’s a prominent street named after the phenomenon, and the city already fixed the intersection of McGee Avenue and Boyd Street years ago.

With the OU spring football game next weekend, who has time to worry about a little water?

Past Sundaze comics

The Bradford Pear needs to tone it down
Spring is for the opportunities, not the birds
Snakes to green beer: St. Patrick’s Day makes no sense
‘Save the Egg,’ or else how will the aliens get home?
New Gun restaurant has great name, but not for reason you think
Influx of youth begs important OKC City Council debate
5 weeks later: How is your New Year’s resolution going?
Here we go again: Tom Brady in his ninth Super Bowl
21st century art opportunities for OKCPS students
Bacon takes the ’10-year challenge’
If Mike Stoops watched Bedlam…
False flag fears epitomize extreme views in America
Ironically, whooping cranes have view of OKC growth
Value of Walmart eye test debated with SQ 793
ABLE Commission preps for new alcohol laws, pandemonium
Toad in the hole: Mushroom has long week
OKC’s modern society is mural society
Uneasy riders: Critics blame Boren for … OU?
Football season is heating up in Oklahoma
Animal Crackers freed from cage, sent to belly
Bon Appetit flabbergasted by Nonesuch in OKC
QAnon: Your latest online political conspiracy theories
Election robocalls keep robot employment high
Oklahoma health care community clowning around
What was the Board of Health smoking?
Buffalo Wild Wings hacker missed delicious opportunity

Mike Allen is a graphic designer, painter, printer and tailor. He has a fine art degree from the University of Oklahoma.
Tres Savage (William W. Savage III) has served as editor in chief of NonDoc since the publication launched in 2015. He holds a journalism degree from the University of Oklahoma and worked in health care for six years before returning to the media industry. He is a nationally certified Mental Health First Aid instructor and serves on the board of the Oklahoma Media Center.