Making a strong case for “comeback story of the year” is none other than measles. Who could have guessed? Turns out, probably a lot of us.
What’s our collective level of concern here? It doesn’t seem nearly high enough to me. The spread of the virus parallels the spread of junk science and bad information, and it’s a problem that appears to be getting worse, not better. The silver lining here is that there now isn’t a need to rely on information and science alone — the results of fewer vaccinations are plainly evident. That “herd immunity” thing you keep hearing about is real, as it turns out.
The Tin Man may have his objections (he’s made of tin after all), but the rest of us probably need to go ahead and take our medicine.
Past Sundaze comics
Rumble seeks Thunder solutions at bottom of a bottle
Easter bunny encouraging camouflage eggs
Things go off the rails at the Oklahoma Capitol
A flood of news from Norman
The Bradford Pear needs to tone it down
Spring is for the opportunities, not the birds
Snakes to green beer: St. Patrick’s Day makes no sense
‘Save the Egg,’ or else how will the aliens get home?
New Gun restaurant has great name, but not for reason you think
Influx of youth begs important OKC City Council debate
5 weeks later: How is your New Year’s resolution going?
Here we go again: Tom Brady in his ninth Super Bowl
21st century art opportunities for OKCPS students
Bacon takes the ’10-year challenge’
If Mike Stoops watched Bedlam…
False flag fears epitomize extreme views in America
Ironically, whooping cranes have view of OKC growth
Value of Walmart eye test debated with SQ 793
ABLE Commission preps for new alcohol laws, pandemonium
Toad in the hole: Mushroom has long week
OKC’s modern society is mural society
Uneasy riders: Critics blame Boren for … OU?
Football season is heating up in Oklahoma
Animal Crackers freed from cage, sent to belly
Bon Appetit flabbergasted by Nonesuch in OKC
QAnon: Your latest online political conspiracy theories
Election robocalls keep robot employment high
Oklahoma health care community clowning around
What was the Board of Health smoking?
Buffalo Wild Wings hacker missed delicious opportunity