The old phrase “You learn something new every day!” still applies to me, and probably many others no matter how old we get. For instance, did you know there is a type government body in Oklahoma called “circuit engineering districts”? I did not, but that is probably because I live in Oklahoma City where the municipal government handles most of the day-to-day operations and expenses of roads and bridges. Still, Oklahoma County is within Circuit Engineering District 5. The more you know!
Much of western Oklahoma south of Interstate 40 falls within Circuit Engineering District 7, which found itself receiving a series of news articles last week for an issue that has been under investigation since at least 2017.
I have taken some family-related trips to southwest Oklahoma in recent years, and I have noticed many of the rural roads were surprisingly well-maintained. I didn’t give it much thought at the time, but the stories this week about the state audit of CED 7 and its sister entity — the CED 7 Energy District Authority — caught my attention. Reading about the questionable asphalt oil and paving venture reminded about that nice, smooth ride.
As for state audits, thankfully I don’t have any dealings with those.
Past comics about how things used to be
Open sesame: Kevin Stitt and the 40 mayors
Parents agree: The Easter bunny is an essential worker
Bad news for Cheetos: Our behaviors are changing
Quarantine quandary: Are your pets sick of you yet?
Quarantine: A rear window into our worried minds
From wipes to swipes, social (distance) life impacted
Birds of a feather draw together
Where the whiskey drowns and the Bern chases …
Blow up the Thunder? Chris Paul extinguished the fuse
Imagine that: New Oklahoma brand confuses some
Be careful searching, algorithm overlords are watching
Oklahoma’s recent liquor bicker confusing, even sober
Highway to the construction zone
All ears: OU basketball gets it right as Top Daug returns
Stitt, tribal leaders pack their poker faces for court