This past week we all observed an example of why the phrase “think before you post” exists and is used so commonly these days. In case you missed it, Garth Brooks wore a Barry Sanders jersey during a performance in Detroit and posted a picture on social media of himself in it. Sadly, you could probably guess what happened next.
There are a few thoughts that should go through a person’s head before firing a post off into social media and ripping into a celebrity about what a perceived political statement. First, who cares? Second, why would Sen. Bernie Sanders make a Detroit Lions NFL jersey and sell it as merchandise? And lastly, if that wasn’t the case, why would Garth Brooks make a custom Bernie Sanders football jersey just to throw out a vague and random political statement?
On sort of a side note, my first observation upon reading this story was how quickly people’s minds jump to politics these days. I know it’s an election year, but this is something that has been building for the last few elections. It’s ironic in a way, too. This mentality seems to have overtaken the way we used to apply sports references to everything in life off the top of our heads.
Anyway, I listened to Garth Brooks music while making this comic, and I noticed a strong blue-collar vibe to many of his songs. Hmmm ….
Past Sundaze comics
Blow up the Thunder? Chris Paul extinguished the fuse
Imagine that: New Oklahoma brand confuses some
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Oklahoma’s recent liquor bicker confusing, even sober
Highway to the construction zone
All ears: OU basketball gets it right as Top Daug returns
Stitt, tribal leaders pack their poker faces for court
Cookie mishap: Santa high in the sky of Oklahoma
Blinded by the unholy headlights
The value of a car that gets you to and from work
The Cybertruck: Weird, different and polarizing
Ask Ludacris for input on new OKC area code
With the Sooner Schooner on blocks, it’s Top Daug time
NBA’s and players’ comments on China wimpy so far
Topless ruling has some blowing their tops in Oklahoma
New OKC food halls make for tough choices
A decade’s difference in the OKC concert scene
Park opening could get extreme with release of scissortails
Daddy, which side were you on in the Chicken War?
Rest or party? Sooners on Sunday a good conundrum
OKC aquarium idea destined for lackluster sequels?
MAPS 7: After pickleball stadium’s success, voters pitched Joystick Arena
Democrat Kombat: Whose soul will be whose?