Are we all quarantined yet? No, I guess not in Oklahoma, but some are locking down in isolation. You know there’s got to be something weird going on with all of that toilet paper everyone bought.
I’m a person who spends quite a bit of time alone normally, so this is not life-altering, but I will say I do already miss the option to go out and get a drink with friends when I want to. I think keeping a good balance between alone time and social activities is important for a person’s mental health. I’m starting to wonder what the effects of this situation will be long term, and I am reminded of the 1954 Alfred Hitchcock movie Rear Window. Of course, here in the real world, the economic damage will exacerbate our collective mental health struggles while being in quarantine.
For now, I suppose we can all chill out with TV shows, books or video games and hope for the best.
Past Sundaze comics
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Stitt, tribal leaders pack their poker faces for court
Cookie mishap: Santa high in the sky of Oklahoma
Blinded by the unholy headlights
The value of a car that gets you to and from work
The Cybertruck: Weird, different and polarizing
Ask Ludacris for input on new OKC area code
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NBA’s and players’ comments on China wimpy so far
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A decade’s difference in the OKC concert scene
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Daddy, which side were you on in the Chicken War?