If you’re reading this, it’s too late… to register to vote for Oklahoma’s June 30 primary election. Yes, another round of voting is quickly approaching, this time with a significant amount of local importance. There are primaries for the U.S. House and Senate seats, as well as relevant races for state government positions. There’s even a state question thrown in there about Medicaid expansion.
As expected, an emphasis is being placed on safety and cleanliness for in-person voting, including disinfecting voting stations. Why not go the extra mile, though? Who knows which people entering a polling place have coughed into their hands, or haven’t washed their masks in weeks? The answer: Just hose them down from the start. It benefits everyone, really, and will give voters that rush they need to make informed decisions in the booth.
Yes, this is a joke. There are still significant COVID-19 risks for certain parts of our population — including poll workers — so caution is necessary. Still, taking action is top of mind currently for many people, so I’m predicting a bigger than expected turnout. This could mean potentially large numbers of people in places with low airflow, so be mindful of distance and touching. I’m hopeful that most are already aware of these things, and we’ll have a smooth summer.
Past Sundaze comics
Remember to put yourself in someone else’s shoes
Them boys from Oklahoma roll their joints all wrong
Pour yourself an age and wisdom on the rocks
All the government Oklahoma could ever want
Open sesame: Kevin Stitt and the 40 mayors
Parents agree: The Easter bunny is an essential worker
Bad news for Cheetos: Our behaviors are changing
Quarantine quandary: Are your pets sick of you yet?
Quarantine: A rear window into our worried minds
From wipes to swipes, social (distance) life impacted
Birds of a feather draw together
Where the whiskey drowns and the Bern chases …
Blow up the Thunder? Chris Paul extinguished the fuse
Imagine that: New Oklahoma brand confuses some
Be careful searching, algorithm overlords are watching
Oklahoma’s recent liquor bicker confusing, even sober
Highway to the construction zone
All ears: OU basketball gets it right as Top Daug returns
Stitt, tribal leaders pack their poker faces for court