After this past week, one has to wonder if Gov. Kevin Stitt’s veto pen has any ink left in it. One after another, bills overwhelmingly passed by the Oklahoma Legislature were shot down, including a bill containing medical marijuana program reforms.
“The language in the bill makes substantial policy changes to the medical marijuana program that were not fully scrutinized through normal legislative procedures before the bill was received by my office in the middle of the night Saturday,” Stitt wrote in his veto message. “While there is much room for improvement in the way our state’s program operates, this bill does not address those items in a way I can support.”
That reason for the veto sounded a little vague to me, but and there’s probably more to it than is publicly known. Maybe home delivery of half ounces was too chronic for the governor, or maybe the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority ultimately had some concerns.
“I’ve gotten mixed messages on whether or not OMMA really wanted it,” the leader of the State Senate said after the end of session.
If public sentiment that is anything to go by, some refinement to the existing laws seems like a welcome and natural progression in our state. Perhaps there will be a bit more, ahem, passage for the subject next session.
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