March is upon us, and things are looking a bit green for the state of Oklahoma this month. It’s the time of year when the flora does what it’s supposed to, with trees and shrubberies starting to grow anew and produce that nice, lush color across the land. In a couple of weeks, many people will don an emerald color for St. Patrick’s Day and consume a green beverage or two.
Before that, however, first we have an important vote on Tuesday to decide whether to decriminalize recreational cannabis use for adults in Oklahoma and establish an expungement process for prior convictions. If it passes, State Question 820, also will mean that the sale of this green plant could lead to lots of additional green paper for the state in the form of tax revenue.
You can read much more about the issue on this very site, in fact. With little else on the March special election ballot around the state, it almost goes without saying that SQ 820 will be decided largely by voter enthusiasm. Are you convinced that medical marijuana has already brought problems to the state that would be exacerbated by recreational access? Are you excited by the prospect of higher tax revenues from legal marijuana without jumping through the hoops of seeing an out-of-state doctor for three minutes at a cost of $200?
If SQ 820 prevails Tuesday, perhaps other states, including a big one to the south, will be a certain envious color. Well, you get the picture.
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