
What to say about this week’s podcast episodeSometimes your podcast recording schedule just catches up with the team, you haven’t planned much and yet the show must go on.

Go on it did, into all sorts of unforeseen places. Angela tells the story of how Tres inadvertently introduced her son to some inappropriate literature. Our intern, Kylie, makes a surprise appearance to explain how a fart joke once landed her in the emergency room. Things just get classier from there.

As I prepared to write this post, Tres suggested in an email that I “should probably give people fair warning” about how much of this episode deals with various bodily functions.

“Perhaps you can cushion the blow by explaining how this happened? (I have no explanation, so good luck.)” he wrote, helpfully.

I have no explanation either.

But I suppose the silver lining on this gas cloud is that this episode does offer perhaps the most unvarnished look yet into what a raucous day in the News Dungeon can be like when we aren’t knee-deep in education issues, pandemic coverage or state politics. Make of that what you will.

As always, you can listen to this week’s episode on your podcast app of choice or via this embed:

Topics at hand: May as well try and catch the wind

As you listen to Episode 16 of Live From the News Dungeon, you might find the following links useful to reference:

  • The book that traumatized Angela’s son;
  • Angela’s son’s actual favorite book;
  • An overview of “farts that changes history“;
  • A Tulsa World article about a local statue of Columbo;
  • The following clip from the Rockford files, featuring Tres’s favorite character, Angel Martin:

As always, please rate, review, subscribe and share with your friends.

Previous episodes of Live from the News Dungeon

Andrea DenHoed is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and was formerly the web copy chief at The New Yorker magazine. She became NonDoc's managing editor in March 2020 and transitioned to a part-time role as features editor at the end of 2022. She departed NonDoc in 2023 to pursue an educational opportunity.